Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hospital scandal: Process Postponed

Mönchengladbach -
 The process was one of the largest hospital scandals of recent years in Germany has been adjourned on Thursday at the District Court of Mönchengladbach shortly after the start. This was due to a bias request of the accused former head physician and managing director of the clinic Wegberg against two of the judges involved.
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The physician must be due to the death of seven patients face justice. The five other former senior consultant hospital doctors sit on the dock. The defenders of the main defendants, said his client feared a "on a conviction aiming attitude of the court." The reason for this was in April 2008 issued for his arrest, which the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Düsseldorf picked up later.
In the grounds for the warrant, the Court "large parts of the indictment, the prosecution" without the due diligence and in a fast taken over, "said the lawyer. The judge said, must now choose a different Trial Chamber of the District Court on the application.
The indictment, the prosecution should, therefore, no sooner than the 24th September will be read out. On 90 pages the investigators the allegations against the clinic director and other doctors of the St. Antonius Hospital have assembled in Wegberg.
You will be criticized by some physical injury resulting in death and manslaughter. They should have caused seven patients with serious medical errors in mutual participation death.
Investigators assume that was omitted essential drugs in the treatment of seriously ill people to save money. Instead of antibiotics, patients have been treated with lemon juice. In other cases, was allegedly dispensed to essential units of blood during surgery.
The verdict will not be announced before early 2010.