Sunday, May 9, 2010

Every 3rd SPD voters wishes Nahles

Berlin - SPD leader Kurt Beck and his deputy Nahles - they always seemed like a harmonious political pair. Thus Nahles had recently made strong for lap as chancellor candidate. But now the mood seems to be clouded. Beck's angry because the party had left the SPD as "Versetzungsgefährdet classified.
Without naming names, he had complained in the party that constantly disturb public statements from the SPD, the rest of the party. Then you must pick up the "broken".
At the base Nahles nevertheless has a big stone in the board. One out of three SPD voters, the party can even imagine as Vice-chancellor candidate (Forsa poll for the magazine "Cicero").
No longer must fear the consequences of their way Nahles hit and run in a parking lot in Andernach. Upon payment of € 1,000 to a nonprofit institution Koblenz prosecutors their investigative sets. The politician had been damaged in February when Ausparken another car. She left her card and drove away. According to police, they would not have to wait longer at the scene.