Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fatih is afraid for his life

Cologne - He sits at home, has let down the blinds, is constantly looking nervously out the window and do not sleep anymore. Gunshot victims Fatih U. (33) has now fear for his life.
Since then, an unknown person on Sunday night Niehler egg on his Ford Ranger fired (Express reported>), the Fatih U. feels safe only in the vicinity of his dogs and his three brothers.
"They differ not a second on my part," says the 33-year-old the EXPRESS.Über what happened on Niehler egg, he can only speak slowly - because it stirs him.
"I've driven. Suddenly it made a splash, then the disk crumbled in the driver's side. Then it hissed a few times so funny. "
The hiss - it was the bullets that flew the Turks around the ears. "I have savaged the control and then I landed on the guardrail. I jumped out of the car and hid behind the guard rail immediately, "recalls the workers.
A gunner, he did not - even though his car from both front, side, and was fired from behind. "Everything happened so fast. Now I wonder what did this to me astray. "
Fatih U. hopes that he was a random victim, no one wanted to kill him that specifically. But the officials of the homicide see things differently. You roll now for the life of the milieu known young man. And the officials offered him personal protection, will also monitor his apartment.
"You have given me the tip, only to leave once the country. I'll probably have to do. I hope then that the offender will be taken until my return. "