Monday, June 14, 2010

Host dismembered his cook

Munich -
It is one of the most popular restaurants in the south of the Bavarian capital of the "hunter host".
Ex-chief Heiko K. (39) is from Monday to court - for murder out of greed.
He allegedly killed his Koch and dismembered. He then distributed the body parts in southern Germany and the Czech Republic. Head and legs of the cook Markus Schindlbeck († 35) is found, the police no longer probable. But using the other body parts could be identified the victim. And the trail led to Heiko K..
He knew well Schindlbeck had worked with him as a cook. Taken, the former Raiders host, "because he drove the car of the dead, and had paid with his credit card bills.
The police reconstruction of the crime can shudder: the 1.94 m wide and 106-pound defendant is said to have Markus Schindlbeck (1.90 m, 120 pounds) visited in his Munich apartment and killed him. Then put Heiko K.'s body in the bathtub and washed her. Later he is to be driven to two hardware stores.
There, according to the indictment, he bought several tools: a red bow saw (8.79 €), a carpet knife set (5.99 €) and a bolt cutter (€ 32.99). He abused the corpse and threw both arms of the dead in the Isar - a fisherman found her. Then he drove into the apartment of the victim in order to dismember the body further. For transportation, he should get an extra large suitcase have purchased.
The Opel Vectra he had removed the dead man's body parts and hidden in different places: the torso, the police found near the Czech town Vseruby. "The division of the corpse was probably only one reason that the offender not the 120-pound body could bear," says Richard Thiess, chief of the homicide.
Heiko K. confessed in an interrogation practice, cited the reason a dispute. Schindlbeck said to have insulted him. Police and prosecutor go against a murder out of greed. Thiess, "K. was heavily in debt, wanted to borrow money from Schindlbeck. "ausschlug When that the request that it had come to a deadly conflict. For the process of negotiations, five are reported.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Two men drowned in Westphalia

Mariestad - tragic end of a boat tour in Sweden: AmWochenende came two young men from Westphalia on Lake Vänern died - she drowned in the icy water.
The victims were from Herford and Löhne.Wie determination Head Toni Johansson on Monday Mariestadmitteilte should be autopsied the bodies of the two.
The Vaterdes younger victim survived the disaster and seriously injured Saturday in the intensive care Skövdegebracht wurdeam of the hospital.
The older group with the father and his son born in 1987 ausHerford and its 15 years of wages was amSamstagmorgen friend from the east bank of the Vänern "to a more broken einemKunststoffboot outboard.
Nearly two Stundenspäter looked the wife of the survivors from the shore, as the dreiMänner clung about 300 yards away at the hull of the gekentertenBootes.
Due to inaccurate or false sense of geographical indications, the lights immediately alerted members of the schwedischenRettungsdienstes initially in the wrong area and needed 45Minuten until they reached the boat. Here they found only nochden strongly supercooled before father.
It went for another hour, bisTaucher the son found and then another two hours, was found to dessenFreund.
The water in Sweden's largest inland lake zumUnglückszeitpunkt was only about three to four degrees. None of the dreiBootsfahrer was wearing a life jacket.
Residents thought about the accident, that the threats would oftunterschätzt of Lake Vänern of foreign visitors. It was given on Saturday at the lake freshening Windenauf significant waves. The family had a summer house in Ferienin Marsviken in Mariestad.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fatih is afraid for his life

Cologne - He sits at home, has let down the blinds, is constantly looking nervously out the window and do not sleep anymore. Gunshot victims Fatih U. (33) has now fear for his life.
Since then, an unknown person on Sunday night Niehler egg on his Ford Ranger fired (Express reported>), the Fatih U. feels safe only in the vicinity of his dogs and his three brothers.
"They differ not a second on my part," says the 33-year-old the EXPRESS.Über what happened on Niehler egg, he can only speak slowly - because it stirs him.
"I've driven. Suddenly it made a splash, then the disk crumbled in the driver's side. Then it hissed a few times so funny. "
The hiss - it was the bullets that flew the Turks around the ears. "I have savaged the control and then I landed on the guardrail. I jumped out of the car and hid behind the guard rail immediately, "recalls the workers.
A gunner, he did not - even though his car from both front, side, and was fired from behind. "Everything happened so fast. Now I wonder what did this to me astray. "
Fatih U. hopes that he was a random victim, no one wanted to kill him that specifically. But the officials of the homicide see things differently. You roll now for the life of the milieu known young man. And the officials offered him personal protection, will also monitor his apartment.
"You have given me the tip, only to leave once the country. I'll probably have to do. I hope then that the offender will be taken until my return. "