Saturday, April 3, 2010

Brühler companies and the crisis

It seems so, as this would, after months of decline of the economies and stock markets all turn for the better: The good news is piling up and raise hopes. The business location Bruehl by breathing and assigns to develop around the trend.
The city administration has to adapt to new challenges. Europeanization, globalization and structural change technischökonomischer have changed in recent years the work of local economic development. The expectations of the local economic development to grow steadily, the financial and human resources, however, are scarce in many places.
Under these conditions, it is still necessary to prioritize the tasks and organize perceptual processes even better.
This includes, for example, the intensification of business support, maintenance of networks, the identification and improvement of services offered for businesses and the optimization of a business center. The Economic Development Brühler will develop more intense and more to a modern enterprise service providers.
* Michael Kreuzberg was re-elected in September 2009 as mayor of the city of Brühl.